Local walks

The area surrounding our house is very suitable for short and not so short walks. We live in a completely rural area, in a hamlet that has some ten houses and nearby other similar hamlets can be found. The unusual distribution of the rural population in Galicia means that the natural environment is friendly and easy to walk through.

The countryside is characterised by smallholdings, with cultivated land, fields with the forest nearby. Approximately one kilometre away is the river Lambre, which has indigenous plants growing on its banks. Nearby we can find its tributary the River Medio, which offers a truly delightful walk with a wonderful diversity of plant species and an impressive example of how our ancestors harnessed its energy. There we can see a set of seven watermills together with an old hydroelectric plant.

It should be pointed out that the roads that pass through this area are minor roads, which means that the noise and volume of traffic is minimal.

We would also like to point out that as of 2013 the town council of Miño, where we live has classified our area as part of the Natural Park of the biosphere of As Mariñas belonging to the Valley of the Mandeo River (Reserva da Biosfera As Mariñas Terras do Mandeo).